Friday, May 29, 2015

Fit Girl Friday: Week Three Update

Weekly Weigh in: ???

I forgot to weigh myself this morning, which I am somewhat relieved about. I was afraid of what the scale was going to say since this past week had not been good fitness-wise. We are currently fixing up the kitchen, (painting, cleaning, purging), and we also got a new stove, which was inaccessible for the first couple of days because we had to update our gas line. Even after that was fixed, it was still pretty hard to properly cook because the whole kitchen was not in a condition in which meal prep would be easy. We ate a lot of take out and microwavable stuff- not healthy.

Exercising A.K.A. biking was also out of the question. Even though I was off work for most of the week, my waking hours were spent in that kitchen. Wait... scrubbing and painting is a form of workout, right? I guess it wasn't a total loss... I did somewhat meet my physical activity quota. LOL. Plus, I did ride my bike last Friday afternoon, and according to Map My Ride, I did almost 8 miles! Whoo Hoo! I can't wait to ride again. Hopefully, I'll be able to sometime this weekend.


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